Friday, February 1, 2008

'Bout that Time

So it's about that time in the semester where it's not quite the beginning any more and it's nowhere near the end. I had my first quizzes in some of my classes, I've started to figure out the subtle nuances of each professor, and I've even written my first paper by now. I think all this means is that now we've hit the dangerous "cruise control" portion of the semester. I've got the weekly routine down and now the trick to keep from going insane by turning the radio up to keep me awake or make sure I keep some good company in the front seat. (Ok, so maybe the "cruise control" analogy has gone far enough...) Honestly, though, I think there is a big danger about this time of the semester. There's no longer that sense of wonder and awe during classes. Pizza and pasta every night for dinner gets old, and believe it or now, I can only play so much Guitar Hero before it gets boring (or my wrist really starts to hurt). So what do we do about it: mix things up.

That's why it's so great to always have something different going on on the weekends. This weekend Camerata (the touring choir I'm in) is going to Cincinnati for the whole weekend. Some of the other people in the group are bummed about having to doing choir stuff all weekend, but I'm secretly really excited about it. A lot of my really good friends are in the group and it will be good just to hang out and have some fun. It's kind of like a mini-pre-tour before we go on real tour over spring break which I'm also really excited about. I guess what I'm trying to say in the end is that sometimes when it seems like everything is the same as it was the day before and will be the day after, it's nice to have some fun stuff to look forward to. Here's to a great weekend.

1 comment:

Kyle said...

i think this is the point of the semester where I have to start doing work so that I don't fail classes...