Thursday, May 1, 2008

Done. Period.

I'm finally done. I took my last exam this morning and now the semester is practically over. If I didn't mention it before, I absoulutely love finals week. I usually just have like one final a day and then I spend minimal time studying and most of my time just hanging out with friends. I've been playing a lot of Tennis Ball Golf lately and I actually one the other day. Out of the seven holes we played I won five of them. Woot. It is dawning on me now, though, that today may be the last day I see a lot of people; some for months some for longer. That maeks me sad. I walked by a room on our floor yesterday and it was completely cleaned out. I didn't really know the guys who lived there, but it just made me sad to see that the year is really ending. I wouldn't give up my experience in Pittsburgh for anything in the world, but it did make me realize how much I missed not being able to be here first semester and meet all the freshman and get to know them for a whole year. It feels like I'm just starting to make friends now that we all have to leave for the summer. Oh well, next year should be amazing. People have thought I was a senior since my freshman year (probably because of how mature I am...ha), but now I actually will be. Scary.

In other news, I'm really excited about going to see the musical tonight. It's opening night and I keep hearing conflicting reviews about how it's going to turn out. I was int he musical my freshman year and i really enjoyed it, but the last two years I just didn't have the drive to do it. I guess I just realized it's something I like to do but can live without. But I do really enjoy watching other people perform, so tonight will be fun.

Well, I'm off to do my "I'm-done" dance. My roommates and I had a dance party earlier, but it will probably keep going all day. The rush never really ends, but at least for now I'll be taking a break to dance for awhile.