Monday, April 20, 2009

Riley Creek

This past weekend was the Riley Creek Frestival. They hold it every year during one of the last weekends of the school year, and in my four years it has gotten progressively more awesome. I don't remember the first two years being that great, but the last couple years they have had inflatables and live bands and booths for student groups to do games or activities. The inflatables are really the best part. I remember as a kid always loving to do the Bouncy House at carnivals and things, but now I get to do them as a college kid. Back then you couldn't quite get a good bounce because you weighed about 10 pounds, but now I can get some air with my 160 pounds of college kid.

The other single best part about Riley Creek Festival is getting to see everyone with awkward sunburns the day after. Luckily this year was another good one in terms of weather, but there were a lot of racoon faces for a couple days. Bring on the summer. The festival ended by showing the movie "The Goonies" on a big inflatable movie screen they put up out on the lawn. I'm not sure why drive-in movie theaters have gone out of style because watching movies on the lawn here at Bluffton has been some of my favorite movie experiences.

In other news: My finals weeks should be a piece of cake, but this last week of classes right now is kicking my butt. Everything seems to be culminating into this four day stretch, but it is nice that I only really have one thing due each day. Part of me wants to do the whole senioritis thing where I only half-heartedly do these last projects just so I can make it to graduation, but so many of these things I have to do are things that I want to do well. We only have one more SNW and I have to do that well. I have a paper for my senior capstone class that I want to do well on not for the grade but just for my own edification. I have to write a speech for May Day that I want to do well on and say something meaningful to the parting class. And amidst all this I'm waiting to hear about a job I applied for which will probably largely determine the course of the rest of my life. Nothing big...

Trust in the LORD with all your heart,
and lean not on your own understanding
In all your ways acknowledge Him
and He will make your paths straight
(Prov. 3:5-6)

Here's to learning to trust.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Break? What break?

For the past couple of weeks it seems like I've just kept pushing things off and thinking to myself that I would do them over Easter Break. Now that that break is finally here, I am still having a hard time getting motivated. I feel like I've had senioritis since I was a sophomore, but now it's really kicking in. Part of me wants to just kick myself in the pants and make things get done so I can spend the next couple weeks just relaxing and sucking all the fun out of my last college experiences. I know that will never happen though. I just can't seem to make myself write a paper until the deadline is impending.

I was supposed to work on stuff all day today, but one of my friends asked if I wanted to hang out with him and his parents who had come down to watch his track meet tomorrow. I am never one to pass up a chance to swim (even if it's at the Comfort Inn), so I went. We ended up playing games all afternoon, going to dinner in Lima, and hitting up the pool for a little when we got back. After I hung up the phone telling my friend that I'd hang out with him and his parents I realized that the experience had the potential to be really akward, but it was anything but awkward. I think it was the "break" I needed to spur me into actually doing work. It was relaxing, fun, and a hot tub was involved, so now I'm all set to do some homework. Woot!