Wednesday, February 27, 2008

And Now Introducing...Mr. Junior Chairperson

I have no idea where this semester went. We're already in mid-term season and spring break is next week. I had meant to write about Spiritual Life Week which was last week. It was probably the best one that I have been here for so far. We had Tony Campolo speak on campus all week long. Out of the three days that he was here, I heard him speak 5 times. He just has such great stories and insights to share. I think one of the things that I was most impressed by about him was how confident he was about all of his beliefs and opinions. At one of the speaking events he went through a bunch of different "hot button" issues like the war and gay marriage and everything in between and gave his insights in what it means to respond to those issues from a Christian perspective. His big thing was that he wanted to be known as a "red letter Christian", someone who takes the words of Jesus seriously and views their entire lives in lights of those words. Even though I was somewhat skeptical about some of his ideas for how we should react or what we should do in these situations, just the fact that everything he said seemed to have been contemplated, weighed, and thoroughly thought out really gave him a lot of credibility in my mind. That's the kind of person I want to be: intentional. I want to be intentional about what I think and believe instead of just letting other people impose their thoughts on me.

Other exciting news: I was elected as Junior Chairperson for the May Day Celebration this year. I am not sure exactly what all that entails at this point, but I am pretty pumped just because I don't think I have ever really won anything by election. From what I do understand, I think I just have to look nice, read off some stuff before the dance, and be at the front of the line when people are walking from place to place. I'm not exactly sure why I'm excited about this. Maybe it's just because I love May Day so much...well, I do now that I'm not wearing crazy leiderhosen and prancing around.

That's all for now. I am supposed to be updating next week througout Camerata's spring break tour, but I may not have access to a computer until I get back. Stay tuned.

1 comment:

Kyle said...

well, Mr. Junior Chairperson, I hope you have a great tour during spring break. I look forward to hearing stories.