Sunday, March 16, 2008

A long, hard week...

So I never got around to filling everyone in on how Chicago was. Let me sum up: pretty sweet, but pretty cold at the same time. My friend Derick and I went the first day to the Art Institute and walked about the museum for about 2 hours. It was a lot of art. Then that night the group went to see Wicked. It was really, really good, but with all the hype it's gotten I kind of expected it to be really, really, really good. I wasn't disappointed at all, I just wasn't blown away as much as I thought I would be. That was pretty much my experience in Chicago. The rest of tour went really well, and I could definitely tell by the end that we had all grown closer together. Someone asked me this week if there was any drama or any bickering throughout the tour and I couldn't think of a single thing that happened. It was all just a really good experience.

But, the only thing I felt cheated on was my ability to have at least a day or two to completely relax which made this week sort of hectic. First of all, I was completely worn out by tour, and added on to that I had a couple major things due this past week. I ended up living out of my suitcase the whole week because I didn't feel like/couldn't find the time to do laundry. Then there was a streak of about three days where I hadn't showered because I hadn't had time to do anything active. In the end, it was a rough week for me and everyone who had to be around me for extended periods of time. But, I got the paper done at 2:30 Thursday morning, and the rest of the week was smooth sailing through the weekend. My roommate and I did some major laundry, cleaning, organizing of the room and I was finally able to feel like my life wasn't a mess by Saturday afternoon.

The weekend was probably one of the best I've had in awhile. I don't have anything major coming up this week, so I got to hang out with some great friends and not have the threat of papers looming over me. Friday night we had Live Band Karaoke on campus. I don't do Karaoke, but it was a lot of fun to watch everyone else. Then Saturday night a bunch of us went to see the new Dr. Seuss movie. I haven't laughed that hard at a movie in a long time. It had everything I'd ever want in 2 hours of cinema. I even found myself almost wanted to cry at the end even though it was a movie about a talking elephant. If you get nothing else from this post, then hear this: you should go see "Horton Hears a Who".

We had our Camerata home concert this afternoon. Beforehand all the seniors went around and got a chance to talk about what being in Camerata meant to them. I had never really thought about how much Camerata means to people. But when I think about it, next year when I'm in the senior position I will probably be the one nearly in tears trying to articulate how honored I felt to be part of such a great group. The concert went well. My parents and my grandma came down and it was good to be able to sing for people I knew and show them what I did with my spring break. If not that, then it was good to get my mom's Rice Krispie Squares she made for me. Any chance to get home cooking is always a great time when you're in college.

That's all for now. Peace.

1 comment:

Kyle said...

the clean room has been pretty awesome. If only we could get derick to do the same...