Monday, February 16, 2009


So it's been awhile and there's so much to fill in on, but I think one of the things that keeps me from updating is that I try to cram too much in to each post. So, this will be shorter:

Because we've been having trouble scheduling Sunday Night Worship, we had SNW in the morning this past Sunday. I was worried for a number of reasons including the fact that it seemed like no one was going to be around and my guitar player was busy that morning. I decided somewhat last minute that we were going to try doing a more traditionally liturgical service with all hymns and a brass ensemble accompanying the singing. There were so many new variables to the service that I was super nervous about how it would turn out. Added to this was the fact that all of our potential speakers were busy so I ended up having to speak. I had wanted to speak at some poiny anyway, but I had wanted to not be involved in any other part of the service when I did. I'm afraid that it felt like I was controlling everything, but I felt liek someone had to direct the hymns. I think my message went well. It kind of fizzled out toward the end because I really wanted to go to bed and finished before I felt really good about it.

In other news: Trayless Tuesday has taken over campus. In an effort to use less resources, food service has enacted trayless tuesdays and I think they hope to go completely trayless soon. I can't remember the last time an issue like this has been such a big deal here on campus. During the first Tuesday they tried this there was nearly a riot when one girl dropped a glass trying to take her stuff up to the dishroom. People were screaming and shouting "give her back her tray" or " this never would have happened with a tray". I personally think that going trayless helps me find out what is enough food rather than piling it all on, but on the other hand, it is inconvenient to try to carry everything. If nothing else, it is fun to see the campus so moved even if it is by something stupid like this.

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