Thursday, February 19, 2009

looking ahead

I just typed an entire entry and then it gave me some sort of error, so this is round two:

I have my hearing for my recital on Monday where the professors get to tell me whether I can do my recital or not. Today was the first day I had my entire program memorized (all 17 songs), but all the words don't always come fast enough or in the right order. I'll probably be practicing all weekend. Yay! But it is comforting that this week my voice teacher heard all of my ensemble pieces and she seemed very pleased with the shape we were in, especially a whole month before my recital. I'll let you know how it goes.

In other news, Spring break is just around the corner. This is only my second spring break choir tour, but I'm completely pumped. We're headed to PA, VA, MD, and Washington which may all sound like lame spring break locations, but it's not really about the location. It is about getting to spend and entire week with a great group of people and leading people in worship almost every night. It's a great feeling about midway through the trip when we all have the entire program memorized and we can focus on the music rather than staring at our folders. Plus it's always fun to meet new people at home stays and do a lot of reading on the bus and it has been awhile since I've been to Washington.

Now if I can just make it to Friday it'll all be good.


Kyle said...


Brooke said...

Spring break choir tour! how fun! Hope to hear more about it later.