Monday, November 10, 2008

The first of many lasts...

This week is scheduling week for next semester. And I just realized that this morning was the last time I will ever schedule for college classes. It was sort of anti-climactic. I always loved scheduling as an underclassmen because there were so many options and it was always a race to see if you could get into all the classes you wanted to at 7 in the morning. This next semester I'm just taking the bare minimum of what I have to to graduate. I thought about taking an elective, but I want to give myself enough time to really prepare for my senior recital. I was all excited to be able to take Biblical Greek this year, but after one semester I've decided that it's not really worth all the effort. Don't get me wrong, I'm doing really well in the class. I just don't see myself wanting to do all that memorizing next semester. Plus, 13 credit hours doesn't sound so bad for the last semester of college, especially when three of those credit hours will end after 5 weeks, and 2 more will be done after 10 weeks.

I won't know what to do with myself. I'm seriously considering trying out for the musical this year. I haven't the past two years because I either didn't like the musical or didn't have time, but now I pretty much have all the time in the world. It's not a musical I know much about, but it sounds decent. Who knows, maybe this will be my last chance to do any sort of musical and I should grab on to this last chance while I can.

Here's to the first of many coming lasts and making the most of all of them.

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