Friday, March 27, 2009


Being sick on campus is no fun. I am really happy that the sickness held off until right after my recital. Not only did it allow me to do the recital without coughing the entire way through, this week has been relatively low-stress so I've had plenty of time to rest. I've grown very accustomed to sleeping on the couch with the humidifier in my face. The only thing that really bums me out is that I'm not sure if I am going to go to my friends' wedding tomorrow if I still feel all congested. Maybe this is a divine way of making me slow down since I would have had to drive an hour and a half there, be at the wedding, go to the reception, then drive another hour and a half late at night to be back the next morning so Camerata could go to my home church. I haven't made the final decision yet, but as of right now I don't think I want to put myself through all that with this cold.

Here's to a weekend full of rest and lots of fluids. Woo hoo.

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